About Me

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well, I did it....

I can't believe it. $50. Signed, sealed, and almost delivered. I registered for my first half marathon. Yikes! The date is October 31. Although I have plenty of time to train for it, I get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it. So, since I'm already invested money-wise I think I have to go through with it. It will be something I can cross off my bucket list.

By the way, I got my best 5k time ever last Saturday in my hometown, no less. 26:52! Not bad for a short girl!


JenD said...

You go girl!!!

Jennifer said...

What JenD said, lol:)

Christy said...

Happy Training! You are going to love it :)

BoosMom said...

Good job!!