About Me

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The update...

Yall, I'm serious when I say that I will not volunteer for anything new next year. And I use the word "volunteer" loosely. It's more like 'get talked into doing one more thing'. This week I am wrapping up 2 major events, 3 if you count EC's research project on Sally Ride (seriously? Research in second grade. They have to know that the parents are doing all the work). The Heart Ball is this weekend and I feel like I am getting ready for the prom. Dress, tux, shoes, jewelry, nails...oh and I have to be there at 8 a.m. Saturday morning to decorate. Upward cheer leading is wrapping up this weekend. I will not coach next year. Write it down. I'm having fun but its time consuming and the parents aren't taking it seriously.

So 500/50. Well, miles are good. Exercise has been my stress relief so I'm up to 85.4 miles and still at 8 books. I knew I couldn't get into a new one right now. I plan on starting one on Sunday afternoon. After these last couple of weeks it will be sheer bliss.

So what's your story? How do you handle the craziness of life. I know that I am longing right now for my life to be simple. I want to teach my Wednesday night class at church and work with Junior League. That's my goal for next year. I hope I am able to make it happen!


JenD said...

I don't think I handle it very well, so I don't have much advise. I have tried to "stop doing it all" and have stopped trying to keep friendships going where there was no give and take. I try not to volunteer for something unless I know it will fit in with the craziness of my life.

I am still in the challenge - up to 12 books I think. I haven't added the miles in a while. They are all posted though. I would like to get in some walking miles instead of cycling, but that is what is fitting with my schedule right now.

Do you want some shirts that A did that say "C" and one that says the full name? Email me and I will get them in the mail this week. Some have matching shorts!

Jennifer said...

Learn to say "no"...that is my biggest peace of advice. The hardest thing for me to do was say no to even church things (teaching Sunday School)...but once I did.. it felt freeing. I have learned that I can't do it all and can't make everyone happy. My family has to come first before the other outside activities and if things start to effect them then they have to go. It is hard...we as women feel like we always need to "jump in and help" no matter the situation and sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is just let someone else handle it. As far as the challenge...yeah..well that isn't going so great around here. I have got to figure out how to make my fitness a priority again...it will come...this is just a season..right?! Atleast that is what I keep having to tell myself. Have a great week...slow down woman...you can't do it all!

Junebug said...

I'm at 117 miles and I'm on book #6. I'm addicted to the gym...that's why the miles are piling up. I realize I'm behind on the books, but I'll catch up sometime.

Don't ask me for advice. I do everything and seem to enjoy stressing myself out. Even to the point of...well, nevermind. Just don't ask me for advice.

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

I have a hard time saying "no" but I know that my kids truly appreciate seeing me at their school helping out with "whatever"!!!!

Great job with your miles...I'll be lucky to do that many in a year!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Went to spin class tonight and it didn't hurt one bit! Yippee:) Of course now it hurts...but if I can get through it without it hurting then I am happy:) I need one of your pep talks...you know one of those...you can do this ones:) I am getting back in the mood to really work at this again...I've done it once...I can do it again!

JenD said...

Where, oh where did CM go? Where, oh where, could she be?

Ellen said...

I was just wondering the same thing ;)

BoosMom said...


JenD said...

I just cross my fingers and check in every day......just to see....but no, nothing.......oh well......

Ellen said...

We miss you! I know you stay busy...just hoping everything's OK :)

JenD said...

okay...I know you are still around because I saw you posting a comment on someone elses blog....please just update and say hello. I will be in your neck of the woods this weekend for the art festival if the weather is okay.